• sid: a valid session ID obtained from login api
  • partner_token: your partner token
  • email: email address of the locker into which files are loaded
  • url: URL encoded location of the file to load (music, .zip or .m3u file)
  • autocreate: pass non-zero value (“1”) to auto create user account – defaults to off (“0”)
  • password: (optional) user password to use (will prompt to set later if not used)
  • firstname: (optional) user first name if account is to be created
  • lastname: (optional) user last name if account is to be created
  • noverificationemail (optional): set to “1” to keep MP3tunes from sending verification email – note that it will be up to the partner to send the user a verification email, using the link included in the response (see below)